Hogs with Two Snouts

GUALFIN, ARGENTINA – We’ve come up to the ranch to help round up the cattle. The vet came last night. A cheerful man, he teaches veterinary medicine at the university and does “coaching” on the side.

“When my mother died – I was very close to her – I got depressed… I couldn’t work… Nothing seemed right.

“But then, I sat down with someone who started asking me questions. And I saw that he was helping me get out of the hole – just by asking, not telling. Just asking questions that helped me see things differently.

“So now, I do the same thing. I help people.”

This morning, he’s down at the corral checking the cows, one by one.

The vet checking teeth

The vet checking teeth

We used to leave them in the field and let nature take her course. But now, we’re using more modern methods.

Those that are pregnant will stay at the ranch through the hard winter months. Those that are not pregnant will be driven over the pass and down into the valley next week. They’ll spend the next five months rolling in the clover with the bulls down there.

Waiting for the vet

Waiting for the vet

We’ll have more from the ranch tomorrow…



Bonner Properties